Ancient Egypt.

The Sphinx

This was a female monster with the body of lion, the breast and head  a woman, an eagles in Greek mythology. Many times, she is described as the daughter of Echidna and Typhon, or Chimaera and Typhon, or Orthos and Chimaera. Sent by the gods, the sphinx was to plague the town of Thebes. Because …

The Rosetta Stone

During one of the French soldiers occupations of Egypt in July 15 1799, they discovered a stone with three different columns of writing. Each column of the Rosetta Stone was written in different languages, Hieroglyphics, Egyptian Demotic, and Greek. The stone had puzzled scholars for centuries. It was the key to deciphering hieroglyphics, few people …


 Tutankhamun was the son of whom was believed as Akhenaten and Kira. He was born in ancient Egypt and grew up to become the twelfth king of the eighteenth dynasty. When he became pharaoh he was only at the age of nine or ten, he married his half sister Ankhesenamun. With his wife he had …