The Dead Sea Scrolls

Bedouin shepherds discovered some scrolls placed in ten tall jars in 1947 West of the Dead Sea. They did not know what they had come upon, but they sold the scrolls to a nearby dealer. This was the opening chapter to an astonishing archeological find; eventually some 800 different manuscripts would be found in eleven …

The bubonic plague

The bubonic plague, also known as the black death, destroyed a higher proportion of population than any other event. The plague spread through the agency of fleas on dying rats, the bacteria in the disease stifled the vital organs of those who were infected. The symptoms caused swelling in the groin, armpits and necks, it …

Pandora’s box

The cause of all evil being in the world began with Permethius stealing the element of fire from the Gods. Permethius gave the fire to mankind, his creation. As a punishment, Zeus tied Perrmethius to a cliff, where a eagle came every morning to devour his liver, and by night his liver healed, only for the …

The Berlin Wall

On the 13 August 1961, a barrier between the German Democratic Republic to the east, and Federal Republic of Germany to the west was built, then Berlin Wall. It was erected by the GDR. It was a 3.6 meters concrete wall, toppers with barbed wire and impunctuated with imposing guard towers, with guards demanded to …

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza was a pyramid built by the Mayas and was named after one of their supreme Gods Kukuclan, also known as Quetzalcoat. It is 90 feet tall and was built for astromical and religious purposes. Each side of the pyramid has two sets of stairs, each set having 91 steps including the one at the …