The earliest human-like creatures, hominids, were called Australopithicines. They walked upright, which was proved by the many bones found in Africa. These hominids made tools from pebbles and did not seem to be human because their brains were too small.
The earliest species of true human beings belonged to the genus homo, first appearing around 2 million years ago. They were called homo Habilis meaning handyman, and lived alongside the last of Australopithicines. The most advanced early humans were homo Erectus, which meant upright human. Their remains have been found in Asia and Africa. Learning how to use fire, the homo Erectus could move into the cold parts of Europe, cook, keep warm and drive away wild animals. Next came the homo Sapiens who flourished around 200,000 years ago. The neanderthals were another type of human who were adapted to live in the cold weather, making them able to survive in Northern Europe. They developed many types of stone tools.
Humans that live today are probably descended from the Cromagons who seem to have entered Europe through the near east and replaced or mixed with the neanderthals.