Hitler was eager to chase his dreams of winning world war two. He gave his soldiers a pill form of Methamphetamine called Pervitin, so they lose their tiredness and hunger on the battlefields. This would let them travel longer. Pervitin was developed by the Temmler pharmaceutical company, based in Berlin. When it was introduced in 1938, …
Month: July 2017
Leader of the olympian Gods, Zeus was the God of the sky. He had over thrown his father, and he drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. He did this in order to decide who would succeed their father on the throne. Zeus won the draw, becoming father of all Olympian Gods and god …
Athena is a very important goddess of many things. She is goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in warfare and is often portrayed as companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of …
A favorite beast portrayed in greek mythology, is the half-man half-horse creature, the centaur. They inhabit the mountains and forests of Thessaly. They were said to be primal, they were in tribes, living cozy in caves, and to feed them selves, they usually went hunting for wild animals in armor maid out of rocks and …
The black death, also known as the bubonic plague, destroyed a higher proportion of population than any other event. The plague spread through the agency of fleas on dying rats, the bacteria in the disease stifled the vital organs of those who were infected. The symptoms caused swelling in the groin, armpits and necks, it …
Ireland was a jolly country with folk dancing and such. In the past, the main source of food the Irish relied on were the potato crops. Hysteria struck on the September 1845, when a fungus called Phytophtora Infestans destroyed half of the potato crops in Ireland. By 1846 it bought a near total crop failure, …
It took 3000 people three years to build the ship. It was 882 feet long, it weighed 46000 tons, and the height was 175 feet. The ship had 20 boilers and 162 furnaces, which burned through 650 tons of coal a day, and it’s top speed went 24 knots. In 1912, a first class ticket …
As 1941 began, the nazis started to make transports from the ghettoes of Poland to concentration camps, beginning with those portrayed as the least useful, like the sick, the weak and children. The first mass gassing took place in the camp of Belzec, march 17, 1942. Five more mass killing centers were built at camps …
On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy went on a 10-mile motorcade down the streets of Dallas with his wife, Jaqueline Kennedy, and Texas Governor John Connaly who bought his wife. As they passed the Texas school book depository building in a Lincoln convertible, President JFK was struck with three bullets. Connaly was injured as …
Marie Laveau was said to have been born to an African woman named Marguerite Darcantel, and Charles Laveau. There is no telling when Laveau was born. Some reports say she was born in 1801, while others say she was born in 1794. Laveau was a Creole voodoo practitioner, and married a Creole man from Sante-Domingue …